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Tapaday 100mg

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  • Brand Name: Tapaday 100 mg
    Generic Name: Opioid pain reliever
    Active Ingredient: Tapentadol
    Manufacturer: Apex Formulations Pvt Ltd.
    Drug Class: Opioid analgesic
    Strength: 100 mg
    Form: Tablet
    Packaging: 10 Tablets in 1 Strip
    Treatment: Moderate Severe Pain, Diabetic neuropathy, injury, and surgery Pain.
    Price: $199 to $780


    Tapaday 100mg Tapentadol is a Opioid Pain reliever tablet. It is used to treat Moderate Severe Pain quickly, Diabetic neuropathy, injury, and surgery Pain.

    Tapaday 100mg Tablet works directly on opioid receptors in the central nervous system and reduces feelings of pain by interrupting the way nerves signal pain between the brain and the body.

    $ 199.00$ 780.00

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